Local Governing Body
The role of the Local Governing Board is to:
- Agree the strategic direction for the college and ensure clarity of vision and ethos
- Hold the Principal to account for the educational performance of the college and its students and the performance management of staff
- Oversee the financial performance of the college, making sure that it remains solvent and that money is well spent.
There is a clear difference between governance and the day-to-day management of the college. The Principal and her Senior Leadership Team are responsible for the operation of the college within the strategic direction agreed by the Governors.
stephen cooke
Trust Appointed Governor
nicola craven
nick andrews
Staff (Support) Governor
Co-opted Governor
Nina Karunasekara
Trust Appointed Governor
Jane Mannino
Trust Appointed Governor
chris smith
Co-opted Governor
sukiE woodhouse
Trust Appointed Governor
zoe walsh
Parent Governor
luke marwood
Student Advisers (non-voting)
Mary Morcos
Student Advisers (non-voting)
John Cockerill
Parent Governor
Simon Hunt
Staff (Teaching) Governor
More information about the Governing Body
- Calendar of Directors’ Meetings 2023-24
- Calendar of Governor Meetings 2024/25
- Code of Conduct (July 2022)
- DOI 2023-24
- Facility Time 2023-24
- Financial Statement 2023
- Governing Charter (June 2022)
- GPG Analysis (2023)
- Guide to Governing Body (Sept 2023)
- Guide to Governing Body (March 2024)
- Instrument and Articles of Government
- Instrument and Articles of Government Modification Order
- LGB Website requirements
- Securing new members to the Corporation (June 22)
- Standing Orders (June 2023)
- Statement of public value (2023)
Minutes of meetings
Minutes are only uploaded to our website once they have been approved.