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HUMANITIES A-Level For 16-19 Year Olds

A Level Religion, Ethics & Philosophy

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A subject for people who are not afraid to ask big questions and are interested in knowing what our deepest thinkers say about God, science and free will.



Grade 5 in GCSE Religious Studies (if studied at school) and grade 5 in GCSE English Language or English Literature.

Why study A Level Religion, Ethics & Philosophy at Blackpool Sixth?

A highly recognised subject for people who are looking for a strong academic discipline. Explore the great philosophical works from the past and present whilst developing high-level analytical and evaluative skills.

How will I be taught?

  • Group work
  • Paired work
  • E-learning including Google drive, Google Classroom, youtube, kahoot and twitter
  • Teacher-led lessons, and grappling with academic texts.

Teacher expertise

Our REP teacher has studied theology and philosophy for 30 years, attaining MA in 2005. They have taught A Level REP since 2008 and examine for the exam board.

They have held the following community positions that are relevant to the role: Member of Preston City Council Community Cohesion Group; Vice Chair of Preston Faith forum; Active member of Preston City Churches Together; Trustee of Methodist Action North West; Chair of Fox Street Nightshelter.

What skills will I develop?

  • Analysing
  • Critical thinking
  • Evaluating
  • Interpreting complex text
  • Constructing essays/extended essay writing
  • Communicating religious, ethical and philosophical concepts and applying them to every day life
  • Empathy/listening skills
  • Understanding different cultures and traditions
  • Think for yourself!
  • Discover and justify your own beliefs
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How will I be assessed?


    • Paper 1 - Philosophy of religion and ethics
    • Paper 2 - Study of religion and dialogues (Christianity)

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    What will you study and other information about A Level Religion, Ethics & Philosophy

    Where does it lead?

    Students have gone on to study philosophy or theology at prestigious universities such as Liverpool, Manchester and Lancaster. Other students have used their REP A level to gain entry to university to study other subjects such as English, history, psychology. Some students have entered the workplace and gained employment. In 2017 one student joined the Project Manager apprenticeship scheme at BAE Systems and another obtained an apprenticeship at Rolls Royce.

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    Humanities at Blackpool sixth

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